About Line Girder Analysis (Preview)

Perform analysis and design checks on all the pre-stressed girders of your concrete bridges. This is an InfraWorks 360 cloud service you can use to verify the structural strength of bridge girders. You can experiment with multiple bridge designs and restart girder line analysis without spending any cloud credits. Cloud credits are charged only for the full girder design documentation (provided in PDF format).

When you select a bridge in a model or proposal and start line girder analysis, InfraWorks 360 will validate the initial rules-based layout of your bridge girders and compare your designs against bridge design standards that you can choose from, including AASHTO LRFD, British, Australian, and Eurocode.
  1. Key results can be viewed in-canvas. This does not require cloud credits.

    See To analyze prestressed line girders for more information.

  2. When you are ready, you can use your cloud credits to purchase full girder design documentation for the selected concrete bridge. When you select Get Full Report, InfraWorks 360 creates a new proposal in your model so that you can compare designs. Before you purchase the full report you can view or download a full-length sample in PDF format. See Line Girder Analysis sample report.
    Note: When you purchase the full report, Line Girder Analysis also generates a full model of your bridge that you can open and work with in the standalone version of Autodesk Structural Bridge Design as well.
    • Once you have completed Line Girder Analysis, click the icon next to the Get Report button.
    • If you have Autodesk Structural Bridge Design 2016 installed, the line beam model containing the selected girder will be opened directly in the application so that you can continue with detailed design. If you do not have it installed, you will be directed to a website where you can learn more about Autodesk Structural Bridge Design.
  3. See Autodesk A360 Cloud Credits FAQ for more information about cloud credits.

Additional Information

The full girder design documentation that you can purchase using cloud credits is computed by Autodesk Structural Bridge Design, a cloud service that provides design optimization for bridges modeled in InfraWorks 360.