To Customize Project Home

Add, remove, or rearrange the cards using the Project Home Customize Dashboard to create your own personalized experience.

To Customize Project Home

  1. In Project Home, at the top-right, click Customize.

    The Customize Dashboard is displayed, and the cards become moveable.

  2. To add cards, click Card Library.
  3. Use the search and filter features to find cards.

    Note: The cards available to you depend on your project module access. The Card Library currently includes a wide range of cards, but is continually being expanded. If you can't see cards you think you should have access to, keep checking for the latest updates.
  4. Select the check boxes of the desired cards, and click Add Card.
  5. To remove a card, click Hide card.
  6. Click and drag the new cards to reorder them as required.

    Tip: You can also choose the Hide card option outside of the Customize Dashboard. The changes are saved automatically.
  7. When finished, click Save.

    Important: It is critical that you click Save, or all your changes will be lost. If you navigate away from the Customize Dashboard page without saving, you will need to make your changes again.