Checklists (Android)

Create, manage, review, and monitor your workflows throughout the project using checklists. You can create Quality, Safety, Punch List, and Commissioning checklists from existing templates.

You can also complete checklists, and create issues from non-compliant items.

If your device has been synced to the project with the most recent version of checklist templates, you will be able to create and fill out checklists while offline.

For more information on Checklist capabilities using the Android app, see Mobile Capabilities.

Create a Checklist

  1. Tap Checklists.

  2. Tap .

  3. Tap a template you want to use.

  4. Enter a title.

  5. You can optionally add an assignee, specify a location, and due date.

    Tip: You can assign by user, role, or company. Assignees will receive an email notification with a link to the checklist.
  6. Tap Create.

Complete a Checklist

  1. Tap Checklists.

  2. To filter your checklists by name, type, status, location, sublocation, assignee, or schedule date, tap FILTER.

  3. Tap the checklist you want to complete.

  4. On the Items tab, review the criteria for each item and tap an appropriate response.

    Tip: Tap to quickly navigate to a specific section of the checklist.
  5. To create an issue for non-compliant items, on the Items tab tap . For more details, see Issues (Android).

  6. To attach a photo, on the Items tab tap . You can either upload an existing photo or take a new one.

  7. To attach a note to an item, on the Items tab tap .

    Tip: To edit a checklist, tap the checklist, and then tap the field you want to update. You can modify the checklist title, as well as fields on the Overview and Items tabs.
  8. To view files attached to the checklist, tap the blue link displaying the name of the file you want to open.

    Note: Files can be attached to templates only from the Field Management module of the BIM 360 web application. For more details, see Create Checklist Templates.
  9. To complete each section, tap Done.

  10. In the All sections completed dialog box, tap SHOW SIGNATURES in order to submit your signature.

  11. Tap the signature box and draw your signature. If needed, hand the device to the person whose signature is required.

    Tip: To delete a signature, tap ![](../images/Android_delete_signature.png.
  12. Tap Create.


    Note: Reopening a checklist deletes signatures, requiring the checklist to be resigned.

For more information about how to enable signatures for checklist sections, see Create Checklist Templates. You can also refer to the Templates and Checklists topic to learn more.