Set Up RFI Workflows

Only project administrators can set RFI workflow options, including roles for a Creator, Manager, and Reviewer.

Note: To Create an RFI on a project, the creator role must be assigned to an individual or their company. The Manager or Reviewer role doesn't grant access to create RFIs.

There are two workflow options:

  1. The default workflow has only one reviewer.
  2. The second workflow allows for two reviewers.

Select a Workflow

The project administrator is the only person with permissions to set the workflow options.

  1. Click the Module Selector .
  2. Select Project Management.
  3. Select the RFIs.
  4. Click Change Workflow.
  5. Use the radio button to select the desired workflow.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Using the drop-down menu, Assign individuals or companies to the RFI roles for each role.


For example, you could assign a subcontractor company called Global Construction as a Creator. Then you could assign other companies to the Manager (General Subcontractor) and Reviewer (Architect) role as shown in the following example.

Company role

The user role or company that assigned a particular workflow drives the RFI Status. For instance, using the workflow roles listed above, the Creator (Quality Construction or Acme Mechanical Contractors) can submit an RFI to Global Construction (the Manager/General Contractor) and choose a person from the company as an assignee. The assignee from Global Construction opens the RFI, edits, and send for review to the selected reviewer from elegant design.

Note: The default workflow role settings are as follows: