Start a Document Review

Submit selected project documents or whole folders for review and approval using pre-defined approval workflows.

Note: The number of steps in a review, and the designated reviewers and approvers, are pre-defined by your project administrator when they create the approval workflow.
  1. Ensure your project administrator has created a suitable approval workflow and added you as an initiator.

  2. In Document Management, navigate to the folder or documents you want to send for review.

    Note: You should check with your project administrator that the reviewers have the appropriate permissions for the folder containing the documents you are sending for review.
  3. Select the checkboxes next to the folder or documents and click the More menu Submit for review.

    Tip: You can select multiple documents that are located in the same or different folder. In addition, there is a limit of 1000 documents per review.
  4. Choose the approval workflow you want to use.

    If no workflows are available, click Create new workflow to go to Project Admin and create one.

    Note: Only administrators can create approval workflows.
  5. Enter a Review name.

  6. If required, you can add more documents from the same folder, and enter any notes you want to include.

  7. Click Submit to initiate the review.

  8. Optionally, send an email notification to the reviewers, approvers, and(or) other project members to let them know the review is ready.

The review is displayed in the Document Management Reviews tab, awaiting action by the reviewer or approver.

Note: To monitor a review you have initiated, go to the Reviews tab and click your review to open it. Use the Progress and Activity tabs in the right panel to check the review status. From here you can also send email notifications to remind the assigned reviewers and approvers to take action.