Field types

Fields are used to store all the data in Flow Production Tracking. The field type defines what kind of data you want to store in the database. For some field types, you will be presented with additional options (e.g., a list of statuses for status list fields).

field types

Below are the different field types.

Field type Description
Calculated fields A field that allows you to compute a field with values from other fields from the same entity (such as a Shot or an Asset).
Checkbox A field that allows you to check whether something is true or false. For example, whether a Task is marked as a Milestone or not.
Currency A field that allows you to track the dollar amount of something. For example, the rate for a freelancer on the People Entity. Options as to how Currency is displayed can be found under Admin > Site Preferences > Formatting. Here you can choose to display the currency sign in the field, the rounding value, and how negative currency will be displayed.

Date A field that allows you to pick a date from the Calendar pop-up window. Please note that Flow Production Tracking automatically converts between client local time and UTC (datetimes are stored as UTC on the server).

Date and Time A field that stores both the date and time for an entity.

date and time
Duration A field to store information of how long a Task will take to complete. The default can be changed from days to hours, depending on your workflow, under Admin > Site Preferences > Scheduling.

Entity A type of field that can only contain an entity reference, such as Asset, Shot, Person, Note, etc. Entities are linked together in Flow Production Tracking by this special "entity link" field that can be edited to point to another entity, and make a connection. Single entity fields (such as Task > Link) can only refer to zero or one entity.
Multi-Entity A type of field that can only contain an entity reference, similar to the Entity field. Multi-Entity fields (such as Playlist > Versions) can refer to zero or more entities and is not restricted by linking to only one entity.
Float A type of field that allows you to store numeric data that includes decimals and commas. For example, 30.5 and 30,500.
File/Link A type of field that allows you to store a URL, upload a local file, or link to a path .
Footage A type of field that auto-calculates your number entry into how many frames per feet.
List A type of field that allows you to create a predetermined list of options that are then available as a drop-down on the entity. For example, Type is a List field on an Asset that has the options of Character, Vehicle, Prop, Environment, and Matte Painting.

Number A type of field that holds any data needing to be represented by integers (whole numbers, including negative numbers). Fractions will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
Percent A type of field that converts integers into percentages. Fractions will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
Query A type of field that helps you display quick reports of information alongside your records , such as the number of Assets linked to a Shot, the total time Bid for all Shots in a Project, or the latest Version of a Shot.
Status List A type of field that allows you to track the progress of your entities. Status fields are customizable to suit your Studio's workflow and are entity-specific.

Text A type of field that allows you to enter any plain text into the field. For example, the description field on an Shot. You can also set text fields to 'Ensure unique values per project'.

Timecode A type of field specifically designed for tracking and displaying editorial cut-related information, such as length of time in milliseconds (1000 millisecond = 1 second).
URL Template A type of field that allows for various unique place holders. For example, you can use this field to launch a Google search for images based off the Asset name:{code}&tbm=isch . The token {code} will be replaced by the Asset Code field for each Asset showing on the page, so your search will be unique per Asset.