Adding or reducing seats

Adding or reducing seats from your Autodesk Account

As the Administrator of your site and account, you have the ability to add or reduce seats.

  1. From your Autodesk account, you can adjust the number of seats on your subscription by navigating to Billing and Orders > Subscriptions and Contracts area of your account.

  2. After selecting Subscriptions and Contracts, select Flow Production Tracking - Subscription

    Subscription details

  3. Then, either select Add seats or Reduce. Remember, seats must be equal to or greater than the number of active users on your site, via the People page. You can also review more subscription details—including how many subscriptions are currently in use—from your Subscription Manager on your site.

Managing users on your Flow Production Tracking site

Managing your team from the People Page in Flow Production Tracking

You can add users from the People Page.

Adding People

Managing your team from the Subscription Manager in Flow Production Tracking

You can view and manage subscription details from the Subscription Manager.

Subscription Manager