Status Bar

The Status Bar is found at the bottom of the VRED application window. It provides information on memory usage. Change the up vector, as well as near and far clipping planes and the field of view.

Status Bar

1 Info

Provides the size of the scene, ID, and resolution of the current viewport.

2 Terminal

Provides quick access to the Terminal module (a console for scripting also available through View > Terminal), when clicked (terminal icon). The field next to it shows the last entry in the Terminal module.


Use the Terminal to enter Python commands on the prompt line. The dialog also provides feedback on errors and warnings. For more information, see Working with Scripts.

3 Connector

Provides quick access to the Connector module, when clicked.

4 Units

Defines the mapping of the scene units to a physical unit of length. Values are mm, cm, and m.

5 Up

Sets the axis of the up vector. Values are: Z and Y.


Defines the distance of the near clip plane.


Defines the distance of the far clip plane.


Sets the field of view in degree.


Saves the current view as the initial camera view, when clicked.