About Renaming Corresponding Levels and Views

When you rename a level or a view, a dialog may ask if you want to rename the corresponding level and/or plan views.

When creating a level, you can specify that Revit is to create corresponding plan views (floor plan, structural plan, and ceiling plan). These plan views are assigned the same name as the level. You might also create an area plan with the same name as the level.

If you rename the level, a dialog asks if you want to rename the corresponding views. If you click Yes, Revit also renames all views that have the exact same (original) name as the level.

If you rename one of the views with the same name as a level and other plan views, a dialog asks if you want to rename the corresponding level and views. If you click Yes, Revit also renames the level and all views with the exact same (original) name.

The dialog offers the option "Do not show me this message again." If you select the check box, the next time you rename a level or a view, the dialog is omitted, and the answer previously chosen is used. Use this setting to streamline your workflow so you can continue your work without pausing to respond. For more information on this, see Do Not Show Me (DNSM) Settings in Revit.ini.

If you later decide that you want the dialog to display whenever you rename a level or a view, edit the Revit.ini file and change the appropriate setting to 0.