Transform Offset Parent Matrix

To access the Transform Offset Parent Matrix

The Transform Offset Parent Matrix widget in the Attribute Editor lets you put a matrix into a node so you can edit the values. You can also view and edit, in a separate tab, its composition. It is an adaptable new paradigm in Rig animation, gives you cleaner rigs and better performance.

The Matrix is a 4 x 4 array of floats that represent the translation, rotation, scale, and sheer of a transform node. It inserts itself between its parent and local calculation, so that if you move the parent, the child is moved.

The Transform Parent Matrix tabs in the Attribute Editor A. Composition B. Matrix

The values in both the Composition and Matrix tabs are linked, as they represent the same transformation but in two different ways. If you change the values in the Composition tab, it affects values in the Matrix tab, and the same is true in the inverse.

Note: An Identity Matrix is a neutral matrix that represents the World, or center of you scene. It contains 16 values: value of 1 on the diagonals, but with everything (translation, rotation, and scaling) set to 0 so it decomposes to a translation, rotation of 0, with a scale of 1 and a shear of 0.
Composition tab
Modify the Scale, Translate, Rotate, Shear components.
Right-click any editable field in the widget to set the matrix to Identity, Invert, or Locked. Refer to Transform Offset Parent Matrix states, below, for status colors.
Matrix tab
Right-click any editable field in the widget to set the matrix to Identity, Invert, or Locked. Refer to Transform Offset Parent Matrix states, below, for status colors.

For information on chaining matrix operations together, see Matrix operation nodes.

Transform Offset Parent Matrix states

The Transform Offset Parent Matrix value fields display colored fields to give you visual feedback on attribute status:
Background Color Meaning
Yellow Attributes connected., which means the attribute is controlled by another attribute.

To edit Composition and Matrix tabs, they must not be in a Connected (yellow) state.

Grey Attributes locked
Black Attributed not connected
Note: You cannot edit fields when they are connected or locked. To unlock or disconnect an attribute, right-click the field and select Unlock. See Edit Transform Offset Parent Matrix for a description of the contextual menu.