Display attributes

Changing Display attributes for an object

The Display attributes set the overall display settings for the current object, and are found on the Transform tab (the tab with the object's name) in the Attribute Editor.

Display Handle

Toggles the display of the display handle for the current object.

Display Local Axis

Toggles the display of the local axis of the current object.

Selection Handle (xyz)

Lets you offset the selection handle in the X, Y, and Z axes from the object relative to the handle’s current position.

Show Manip Default

Sets the current object’s default manipulator shape.

Manip History Node

Sets the specified shape as the default manipulator, instead of using one of the defaults.


Toggles the visibility of the current object in the view panel.


Toggles the templated state of the current object - see Make an object unselectable (template) for more information.

Always Draw on Top

Toggles the display of a curve so that it is visible in the Viewport even when it is occluded by other objects. This is useful for exposing curves used as controllers on control rigs.

LOD Visibility

If the current object is connected to a lodGroup node, then this option toggles the Hide/Show status of the object’s display level. Also, this attribute is read-only.

If the current object is not connected to a lodGroup node, this attribute turns off the object's visibility in the view panel.

Hide on playback

Toggles the display of the current object in the view panel only upon playback.

Hidden in Outliner

Toggles the display of the current object in the Outliner. You can temporarily override this setting in the Outliner by selecting Display > Ignore 'Hidden in Outliner' in the Outliner.

Use Outliner Color

Changes the object's node name in the Outliner according to the Outliner Color that you select. You can temporarily override this setting by selecting Display > Ignore 'Use Outliner Color' in the Outliner.