Export Outcomes

After creating a Generative Design study, extract the outcome data to share with others or to manipulate using other tools.

The outcome data is exported to a CSV file. Use the CSV file with tools such as Microsoft® Excel, Microsoft® Power BI, and Glueviz to manipulate the data and create different types of visualizations.

Exported data includes the following:

To export outcomes

  1. Open the Explore Outcomes dialog.
    • When you create a study, the dialog opens and shows the status of the study in the left pane. When it's complete, a green check mark displays next to the study title.
    • If you want to export outcomes of studies that you created earlier, on the Revit ribbon, click Manage tabGenerative Design panel Explore Outcomes.
    • To export outcomes from Dynamo for Revit, click Generative DesignExplore Outcomes.
  2. Select the desired study to see its outcomes.
  3. If you want to export a subset of the outcomes, use filters in the charts at the bottom of the dialog. Apply filters until the desired outcomes are selected.
  4. In the left pane, click next to the study name, and click Export Outcomes.
  5. In the Export Outcomes dialog, do the following:
    • For Save in, navigate to the desired folder and specify a file name.
    • For Export these outcomes, select the desired options.
      • All generated outcomes. These are the outcomes listed in the Explore Outcomes dialog.
      • Only filtered outcomes. Use filters on the charts at the bottom of the dialog. This option displays only if filters have been applied.
      • All generated and discarded outcomes. This option applies only when the Method is Optimize. The export includes all outcomes listed in the Explore Outcomes dialog as well as all outcomes that were discarded during the optimization process.
      • Thumbnail images for each of the exported outcomes.
    • Click Export.