Configure Email Conversation Settings for the Outlook Vault Add-in

Administrators can configure email conversations so that they are visible on the Used tab in the Vault client.

Note: You must be an administrator to see and access the Settings button in the Outlook Vault add-in.

These conversations can be configured based on properties for the specific conversation topic and properties for sorting.

Configure Email Conversation Settings

  1. Before you use the Add-in, an administrator must create two properties in Vault and map them to the Outlook properties Item Name and Sent Date.

    See Configure User-Defined Properties and Configure the Outlook Vault Add-in for Property Extraction for more information.

  2. When the properties have been created and mapped, open the Outlook Vault Add-in and click Settings on the Autodesk Vault ribbon.
    Note: You must be an administrator to see and access the Settings button in the Outlook Vault add-in.
  3. On the Email Conversation Settings dialog, specify the property you want Vault to monitor for conversation topic.
  4. Select how you want the conversations based on that topic sorted.
  5. Click OK.