PICKADD (System Variable)

Controls whether subsequent selections replace the current selection set or add to it.

Saved in:User-settings
Initial value:2




Turns off PICKADD. The objects most recently selected become the selection set. Previously selected objects are automatically removed from the selection set.

Note: When Shift is pressed to add objects to the active selection set and no objects are selected, the previously selected objects are automatically removed from the selection set.


Turns on PICKADD. Each object selected, either individually or by windowing, is added to the current selection set.


Turns on PICKADD. Each object selected, either individually or by windowing, is added to the current selection set.

If the SELECT command is used, keeps objects selected after the command ends.


Turns off PICKADD. The objects most recently selected become the selection set. Previously selected objects are automatically removed from the selection set.

Note: When Shift is pressed to add objects to the active selection set and no objects are selected, the previously selected objects remain as part of the active selection set.
Note: You can add objects to, or remove objects from the selection set by pressing Shift while selecting. In AutoCAD, you can select the component subobjects of 3D solids, surfaces, and meshes by pressing Ctrl while selecting.